Painting? Singing? Dancing? Sculpting? Crafting? Writing? Drawing? Knitting? Designing? Editing? Filming? Building? Gardening?
It’s so important to nurture all of the artistic parts of you- not just the acting part. I often forget this when I get into the daily grind of: audition – part time job #1 – audition – workshop – part time job # 2 – submitting – part time job #3 – you get the picture. And yet, for me, painting was my first love. (I think had I been exposed to the stage before paint brushes, it might’ve been another story, but painting came first nonetheless). As much as I crave brush-to-canvas, I tend to forget, or fail, to factor it into my life. I’ll go weeks, months and dare I say years(?) without creating a single painting. And then something happens- I finally get myself to a gallery or an art opening, or hear a cool NPR story about some obscure artist- and I remember, “I should paint!”

last project
Fortunately, I had that moment last week and began work on a project I’ve had in my head for a very long time. It felt so good to not only get the idea out of my head and onto a canvas, but also to do something creative other than acting. Plus, I’m sure I don’t need say this, but one creative outlet feeds another. I’ve been feeling pretty crappy about the whole acting thing recently, but working on a painting – having this other creative project – really shifted my focus.
So get out there, and pick up a paint brush, pen, mic, saw, needle & thread- whatever your tool may be- and make something! Happy Monday!