Tag Archives: Parker and Drusilla

New Webisode, Parker & Drusilla

27 Jul

The Scene Partner is documenting my journey of this crazy career we call Acting. Well, part of that journey is self-promotion! Over the weekend, episode 3 of the webseries I’m doing went up on Youtube! Check out Ep 3 Mohammad Jenkins of the webseries Parker and Drusilla:

Working the Web: New Media makes Producing and Sharing New Content Easier

6 Apr

I’ve been working on this fun little project called “Parker and Drusilla” for the past couple months. Finally, our hard work (actually not hard work at all, it’s been loads of fun) has paid off and we’ve debuted our first episode! What’s great about the web is that I can share this with you instantly. It’s short and sweet and will hopefully make you chuckle. Check it out! Comment, Share and Rate it please. If enough of you do so then we’ll post more and more… and who knows, if I’m patient enough, maybe this will pay off in some way, shape or form too!

Fun Equals Fun

9 Feb

Over the weekend I filmed the first two websiodes of a webseries I am taking part in. It was so much fun! It’s been months leading up to this now– from the moment I heard about it, to the preliminary meetings, to the readings, to the rehearsal, to the filming.

Even before the shoot, I had a blast thinking about character, costumes, props, quirks, colors, accessories and more. When I got there it was even more fun taking on the part and shooting the scenes. This film crew have all worked together before. In fact, they’ve been a pretty tight-knit creative team since they all met in film school years ago. I originally met them all on set of a low-budget indie horror flick over summer. I really clicked with the other female lead on set, too. So going in, we pretty much all knew each other. Though we were all incredibly professional, we spent the entire day laughing. Cracking jokes. Making fun.

It’s something we at PianoFight talk about a lot, in terms of the success of our shows and ultimately our production company: the importance of having fun! May seem like a silly or irrelevant thing, but it’s not. This fun, translates to the stage, and hopefully, I think, translates to the screen. Many people, unrelated to the cast or any PianoFighters, have often commented (to producers or directors after a show, or on Goldstar, a ticketing service we use) that it looks like we are all having a good time up there on stage. And that makes them have a good time. It’s fun watching people have fun. And this isn’t necessarily just for comedies. People have said that about our dramatic stuff as well. It’s that we, as a team, work so well together and genuinely enjoy each other’s company, apart from making shows.

When we watched playback, you could tell that we were having a great time making it. The fun on set was coming off on screen. I just hope that this isn’t apparent just to me and the crew, but to all audience members totally unrelated to us. I guess we’ll see when it comes out. But if history is any indicator, my guess is yes!