milestones that got me so stoked it may or may not have brought a tear
(or two) to my eye. It’s important to celebrate ALL victories, big and small.
Getting the callback for the role of “Ceci” in Lydia at the Mark Taper Forum
I was literally jumping up and down with a huge smile on my face and tears listening to the voicemail on my cell phone that I got the callback. I listened to it like ten times. I LOVED this play and this part. And, I mean, it’s the Taper!
Getting my official SAG letter in the mail
Again, maybe a little jumping, maybe a tear or two and a whole lot of smiling. This was one of my major goals for 2011 and to get it so soon in the year was just icing on the cake.
Getting accepted into Theatre of NOTE
I researched and researched the gazillion theater companies in LA and fell in love with NOTE and despite not knowing a soul in the company managed to land myself an audition and, eventually, membership to the company.
My first audition for network TV- CSI
I was shocked, ecstatic, nervous as hell when I got called in for my first real TV audition. Yeah it was for one line and yeah the role called for a Korean teen and I’m half Japanese who most mistake for Mexican, but it was an audition nonetheless! Somehow or another (hard work, persistence, patience, networking perhaps?– there’s some method to this madness) that casting director got a hold of my headshot and decided to call me in.
First time driving up to a studio lot with my name on the guest list.
I felt so legit! I felt so official. It was for an indie feature, and no I didn’t get the part but that’s besides the point. I was called in and the audition was at a real studio! It was like I got accepted to this elite club. “I’m on the list”.