Low points are inevitable in the pursuit of any career. Acting is no different. It’s important to have concrete things
to refer to when you’re feeling like you’ve accomplished nothing and
are wasting your time, because when you’re deep in that funk it’s hard
to see clearly.
I’m a pack rat of sorts when it comes to ticket stubs, cards, pictures and the like. I’ve been pretty good at keeping every postcard of every show I’ve ever been a part of. A fellow actor/producer/director friend of mine got this clever idea to frame all her postcards and display them in her apartment. I remember seeing the row of lovingly mounted show postcards and thought, that’s a brilliant idea. I always wondered what I was going to do with the growing pile of cards stuffed deep inside a desk drawer. So I thought the New Year is the perfect excuse to gather them all up, frame them and hang ’em up on my bare hallway wall that’s just begging for something to display. Now, every time I go to and from my room I have to walk past the little slice of history, the physical proof that I have accomplished a lot gosh darnit. And looking at that cluster of frames makes me feel inspired, eager to forge ahead and add to the collection.
I’m thinking one day I will be able to frame film posters…
Other ideas to keep those low points high!