I guess this week has inadvertently become about hard work paying off. First it was the NY Times article, second it was my webisode debuting and today I’d like to mention an awesome write up on my sister’s band, who I’ve talked about here before. Over the weekend her band was featured in the Monterey County Weekly
with a really well-written review about Harlequin Baby. My sis was even
pointed out by the writer when he was commenting on her voice as
“breathy vocals cut like a serrated knife”. I am so proud! Her and her
friends just started out doing what they love because they love it. And
slowly but surely they grew… to their first print article!
Patience Continues to Pay Off
7 AprMaking it Happen, Another Example
28 JanOne
of my best girlfriends from high school is a fellow artist and
dream-career pursuer… Though she has many other talents, her
passion is music and that is what she’s been after full-force recently. I
love seeing the people around me alsogoing
after what they want. It’s really awesome to see the progression, from
messing around in their living room with a keyboard and some drums to a
full-fledged band. From performing a few times a year, to performing
multiple times a month. Well this is the case with my friend and two of
the bands she is in, The Marietta James and Peppermint Wolf. One of those awesome bands happens to be playing tonight at Silverlake Lounge. Check It Out!
Peppermint Wolf @ Silverlake Lounge @ 11:45PM
Related Reading: Moving Forward: Harlequin Baby
Moving Forward: Harlequin Baby
7 JanI
will be saying a lot over the course of this blog some variation of:
Make Your Own Work, Be Proactive, Fake It ’til You Make It, Just Do
It….. and so on.
Point being, to pursue a creative profession you must actually create.
A great example is my very own sister who’s had music in her blood ever since she was born. She’s still in college, but that hasn’t stopped her from making music and being heard. No, she doesn’t have an agent, a manager or a record deal but that doesn’t mean she can’t continue creating songs and performing whenever and wherever she can. She’s gone from playing for an audience of one in her room, to performing private shows in her co-op style house, to getting air time on college radio stations like UC Berkeley’s KALX and UC Santa Cruz’s KZSC.
Tonight she is taking another step forward, as she plays with her band Harlequin Baby at Adobe Books Backroom Gallery
in San Francisco. If you happen to be in Nor Cal, please check out the
show tonight from 7-9pm @ 3166 16th St. bw Guerrero & Valencia.